Tuesday, August 2, 2011

A 90's Memory : Surge

Let me preface by saying that prior to College, I was addicted to soda. It didn't matter if it was Coke, Pepsi, Tab, Mountain Dew, or A&W, if it had bubbles , I drank it. However, nothing pierced my interest in my childhood quite like Surge. Everything about Surge was 90's- hell, Fatboy Slim were featured in one of their commercials. The color of Surge, Septic Green, was something that could grab kids attention- as did the marketing campaign which featured the "extreme kids" trying to "feed the rush" by pushing eachother through the global guts set while screaming SURGE! (Viewed Here) I still remember seeing that for the first time, sitting in my grandmother's house in Florida, and thinking, "I want whatever this product is" (note to coca cola ad reps- nice work, ya hooked me).

What I remember about the first time I had Surge was the fact that it tasted horrible. Green sugary piss. But it had to get better, right? If I drink it enough I'll look like Kevin Nash right?

I continued pestering my parents to buy it, and they did. Eventually I had Surge 3 meals a day; Breakfast: Bacon, Eggs and Surge, Lunch: Turkey Sandwich, Ritz crackers and Surge, Dinner: Meatloaf, Broccoli and... well u get it.

Eventually Surge Was removed from the market, replaced by Vault, and lost in the annals of sodaistory. That didn't stop me from buying an expired can on eBay for the purposes of this article.

It still tastes horrible.

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